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  • Sixteen pupils, their teacher and the boat's coxwain were rescued by boaters who raced to the scene from the shore in their own craft and leapt into the water to save the children.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1995

  • He was ushering in Hornblower's new coxwain, Hewitt, a very short man who escaped observation across the room.

    Hornblower And The Hotspur Forester, C. S. 1962

  • With this the incident practically ended; for although the Medways retaliated by seizing and carrying off the _Dorsetshire's_ coxwain and a crew who ventured ashore next day with letters, the latter were speedily released; but for a week Capt.

    The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore

  • Moreover, the steering of the Oxbridge coxwain is infinitely preferable to the steering of his rival.

    Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, March 21, 1891 Various

  • The passengers ceased yelling and began to move their bodies back and forth in jerks, as does the coxwain of a racing shell.

    The Adventures of Bobby Orde Stewart Edward White 1909

  • We had only a little pair-oared boat, in which I took my place as coxwain, and after pulling for a mile or two under a blazing sun, over short chopping waves, with a head-wind, we all became so deadly sea-sick that we had to turn back!

    Station Amusements 1871

  • Lord Nelson, when a lad, was coxwain to one of the ships of Phipps's expedition to the Arctic seas, and commanded a boat, which was the means of saving a party belonging to the other ship from imminent danger.

    Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men. Adam White 1848

  • But because of my small frame and light weight, everyone insisted i stay a coxwain (The person that sits in front of the rowers urging them on, giving encouragement and also stirs the boat).

    Kottu 2008

  • Paul Ashworth, coxwain of the Fleetwood lifeboat, said: "We were paged by the Coastguard and sent out two lifeboats to the scene.

    unknown title 2009


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