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  • I read somewhere that it is a socalled crossbrowser hack.

    Validating the Code Behind the Page « Lorelle on WordPress 2005

  • I know that innerHTML is not a standard DOM method, but it used to be a crossbrowser one since Kor 2010

  • And if you considered implementing them - you will know that because of the crossbrowser incompatibility JavaScript is not the best way to go.

    SSWUG.ORG Articles 2009

  • And if you considered implementing them - you will know that because of the crossbrowser incompatibility JavaScript is not the best way to go.

    SSWUG.ORG Articles 2009

  • A second problem in designing for Web applications is that a browser-based UI would need to support crossbrowser compatibility, internationalization, and accessibility.

    xian's running monolog 2009

  • And if you considered implementing them - you will know that because of the crossbrowser incompatibility JavaScript is not the best way to go.

    SSWUG.ORG Articles 2009

  • - Must know how to make websites work throughout all browsers (crossbrowser) - Completely understand W3C accessibility standards

    Hypebeast 2008

  • Recently I have taken to using django-authopenid for my projects, and it has my hearty endorsement. django-registration, and even though it'll plug in and work out of the box, you'll almost certainly end up rewriting its templates for your purposes (in particular, I think that the fieldset element doesn't provide a consistent crossbrowser experience).

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2008

  • well Aditya i never read the words 100% crossbrowser in john post..

    Horizontal Menu with CSS - Freshblog 2006

  • * crossbrowser compatible (working in all major browsers) * working with the last version of WP and lower

    Digital Point Forums 2010


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