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  • Sharina hopped onto the crosspole which attached the outrigger to the hull, gripping the starboard mainbrace.

    Lord of the Isles 1997

  • The second great pole was tied to two crosspoles and, by ten men on each crosspole, was thrust in place as soon as that bridge fell, and was held at an angle, like a railing, its sturdy barrier diverting the stream of attackers, causing many on the outside edge to be buffeted by their comrades to the ground below, a hazard in crossing such a bridge at any time under the conditions of battle.

    Renegades Of Gor Norman, John 1986

  • It was hung with orange satin; cushions of every hue were flung upon a carpet of violent colours; the lamps of bronze with wicks floating in crimson saucers, hanging from the crosspole, were rarely lit; the satin curtains hid a smaller room behind filled with dates and coffee-beans, sweetmeats, beads and other things which bring joy to the grateful heart of the wandering Arab and his family.

    The Hawk of Egypt Joan Conquest

  • A cart without a crosspole, a carriage without a yoke, how can they be moved?

    The Sayings Of Confucius 551 BC-479 BC Confucius

  • A cart without a crosspole, a carriage without harness, how could they be moved?

    II 1909

  • Lowboy took hold of the crosspole and let himself hang forward.

    NPR Topics: News 2009

  • Lowboy took hold of the crosspole and let himself hang forward.

    NPR Topics: News 2009


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