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  • Back at the stable, we crosstied our horses and groomed them.

    Canterwood Crest Triple Fault Katie Kitamura 2009

  • Back at the stable Callie and I cooled Jack and Charm and crosstied them next to each other.

    Canterwood Crest Jessica Burkhart 2009

  • Callie had Jack crosstied by the hot walker—his coat gleaming.

    Canterwood Crest Jessica Burkhart 2009

  • Back at the stable, we crosstied our horses and groomed them.

    Canterwood Crest Triple Fault Katie Kitamura 2009

  • Back at the stable Callie and I cooled Jack and Charm and crosstied them next to each other.

    Canterwood Crest Jessica Burkhart 2009

  • Callie had Jack crosstied by the hot walker—his coat gleaming.

    Canterwood Crest Jessica Burkhart 2009


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