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  • I have 2 do my damn geography & cspe mock (I don't even know why we have a mock in cspe it's retarded):) obsessedfoo I just remember that my world geography teacher is a atheist because when we talk god. he acts like god doesn't exist. colorlessblue people telling me about the brazilian mistress of that politician: SHE'S URUGUAYAN!

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2010

  • I have 2 do my damn geography & cspe mock (I don't even know why we have a mock in cspe it's retarded):) obsessedfoo I just remember that my world geography teacher is a atheist because when we talk god. he acts like god doesn't exist. colorlessblue people telling me about the brazilian mistress of that politician: SHE'S URUGUAYAN!

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2010

  • I have 2 do my damn geography & cspe mock (I don't even know why we have a mock in cspe it's retarded):) obsessedfoo I just remember that my world geography teacher is a atheist because when we talk god. he acts like god doesn't exist. colorlessblue people telling me about the brazilian mistress of that politician: SHE'S URUGUAYAN!

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2010

  • I have 2 do my damn geography & cspe mock (I don't even know why we have a mock in cspe it's retarded):) obsessedfoo I just remember that my world geography teacher is a atheist because when we talk god. he acts like god doesn't exist. colorlessblue people telling me about the brazilian mistress of that politician: SHE'S URUGUAYAN!

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2010


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