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  • Nowadays there are predictions of decrepitude-free eternal life—perpetual elderhood—through cyborgian implants, restoration therapies, genome sequencing, cellular age-reversal work-ups and trans-humanism.

    Raging Against Aging Henry Allen 2011

  • And so, if the age of humanism, overlapping roughly with the Renaissance, marked the celebration by man of his own intellectual and artistic dominion, his self-determinism and his ability, rather than being enslaved to feudal lord or divine despot, to own himself and his actions, then the post-human age, by evolving cyborgian characteristics in us, reverses those advances.


  • And so, if the age of humanism, overlapping roughly with the Renaissance, marked the celebration by man of his own intellectual and artistic dominion, his self-determinism and his ability, rather than being enslaved to feudal lord or divine despot, to own himself and his actions, then the post-human age, by evolving cyborgian characteristics in us, reverses those advances.


  • Although ordinarily considered unfit to participate in competitive schemes, when disabled people with prostheses function well, their supposed cyborgian advantages create another reason for their being shunned.

    Feminist Perspectives on Disability Silvers, Anita 2009

  • In our increasingly cyborgian movie culture, Ray is a welcome jolt of flesh. blood and spirit.

    Rescuing Ray 2008

  • TM: Feminism and Technoscience (1997, 186), Haraway speaks as a cyborgian “modest witness” to contemporary technoscience, at once both implicated in and suspicious of its processes and products.

    Intersections Between Pragmatist and Continental Feminism Sullivan, Shannon 2007

  • She's referring to people like Cameron Clapp, with his "shiny robotic legs," but she could easily be referring to a wide range of cyborgian sorts, from the man Michael Chorost with a computer in his brain to any one of us who just happens to wear contact lenses.

    We are all cyborgs now? Horace Jeffery Hodges 2005

  • Often considered a cold, calm cyborgian number-cruncher who reflects his cold, calm cyborgian boss, Plouffe, 44, in fact is a deeply passionate man, enamored with the success of the 2008 campaign that cast Obama as a transformational candidate who would change Washington from above.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • I've blogged about augmented reality before, without realizing that I already experience space in a oddly cyborgian way.

    Middle Savagery colleenmorgan 2010

  • Billboard Hot 100, so it's no wonder feels empowered to take fans on a five-minute journey more splintered and cyborgian, whooshing and weird than ever.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010


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