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  • When I asked earlier today to prove I was backseatdriver or danite, or any other current Moniker, in addition to mine, It is clear I meant current multiple monikers, as that is what you were claiming I was doing, posting in different monikers.

    unknown title 2009

  • I find it funny you have dropped that I am backseatdriver and danite and saying who I NOW post of as mulitple monikers, but have gone with a different arguement, what monikers I've had in the past, not the same arguement bro, typical you, the apostate nut job.

    unknown title 2009

  • I find it funny you have dropped that I am backseatdriver and danite and saying who I NOW post of as mulitple monikers, but have gone with a different arguement, what monikers I've had in the past, not the same arguement bro, typical you, the apostate nut job.

    unknown title 2009

  • I find it funny you have dropped that I am backseatdriver and danite and saying who I NOW post of as mulitple monikers, but have gone with a different arguement, what monikers I've had in the past, not the same arguement bro, typical you, the apostate nut job.

    unknown title 2009

  • I find it funny you have dropped that I am backseatdriver and danite and saying who I NOW post of as mulitple monikers, but have gone with a different arguement, what monikers I've had in the past, not the same arguement bro, typical you, the apostate nut job.

    unknown title 2009

  • When I asked earlier today to prove I was backseatdriver or danite, or any other current Moniker, in addition to mine, It is clear I meant current multiple monikers, as that is what you were claiming I was doing, posting in different monikers.

    unknown title 2009

  • When I asked earlier today to prove I was backseatdriver or danite, or any other current Moniker, in addition to mine, It is clear I meant current multiple monikers, as that is what you were claiming I was doing, posting in different monikers.

    unknown title 2009

  • When I asked earlier today to prove I was backseatdriver or danite, or any other current Moniker, in addition to mine, It is clear I meant current multiple monikers, as that is what you were claiming I was doing, posting in different monikers.

    unknown title 2009

  • When I asked earlier today to prove I was backseatdriver or danite, or any other current Moniker, in addition to mine, It is clear I meant current multiple monikers, as that is what you were claiming I was doing, posting in different monikers.

    unknown title 2009

  • I find it funny you have dropped that I am backseatdriver and danite and saying who I NOW post of as mulitple monikers, but have gone with a different arguement, what monikers I've had in the past, not the same arguement bro, typical you, the apostate nut job.

    unknown title 2009


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