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  • It's model for working with the kind of kids who usually drop out or are thrown out of school, therapeutic community dayschool, is brilliant. video sharing site

    Bill Gates: The Market does not drive... Governments to do the Right Things... 2009

  • True story: my 2nd grade son attended a chareidi-run community dayschool.

    What do the GOP and Hareidim have in common? | Jewschool 2006

  • Irrelevant to this crime are the dayschool charges of the 1980s, not only because they affected prepubescent (often preschool) children but because, as he admits, "most advocates eventually abandoned" the questioning techniques that are also barred from court proceedings now.

    Priests and Boys: An Exchange Hirsch, David 2002

  • I was not sent to Wooden, but kept at home, and I went to a dayschool called by the very popish name of St. Mary's

    An Autobiography Catherine Helen Spence 1867

  • I was looking at resitting my A levels at dayschool (I already work nights!) when I stumbled on these little things called Access to Medicine courses.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I was looking at resitting my A levels at dayschool (I already work nights!) when I stumbled on these little things called Access to Medicine courses.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • This dayschool will explore this 'Fortress Europe', look at its effects on those who migrate, and explore concrete proposals for what we can do about it.

    Indymedia Scotland Features RSS Feed 2009

  • This dayschool will explore this 'Fortress Europe', look at its effects on those who migrate, and explore concrete proposals for what we can do about it.

    Indymedia Scotland Features RSS Feed 2009

  • The London Socialist Feminist Discussion Group - launched last year followed a dayschool on socialist feminism hosted by Workers 'Liberty - has announced its programme of meetings for Autumn-Winter 2008-9.

    stroppyblog 2008

  • - a daycare that calls itself a dayschool qualified as a school, making the school closer than it really is

    What’s your neighborhood’s walk score? « Become A Robot 2008


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