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  • No two pieces of legislation are the same and if “Deem-ing” has been done before and especially has a bipartisan history, the Supreme Court will walk away from any challenge as though that challenge smells like deadfish.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review? 2010

  • No two pieces of legislation are the same and if “Deem-ing” has been done before and especially has a bipartisan history, the Supreme Court will walk away from any challenge as though that challenge smells like deadfish.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review? 2010

  • I think tomorrow obama and deadfish will try to Jesse Jackson some democrats. bobojake

    ObamaCare Supporters Have Been Wrong About Everything - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState 2009

  • It bared its long, discolored teeth at him, studied them both with its pearly deadfish eyes.

    War for the Oaks Bull, Emma, 1954- 1987

  • No doubt "commander zero" and "deadfish" won't let this crisis go to waste.

    Latest Articles AFP 2010

  • I do not thank obama, schummer, reid, pelosi, dodd, kennedy, murray, nelson obam, deadfish for trying to destroy best Healthcare in the World and create slums and Haitains out of the United State of America with class welfare.

    Home/News 2010

  • The Senate should have a unaminous vote to disband till after the 1st of Janurary and then come back after studying the bill and talking to their constituents and vote up or down, no deadfish no obama, its time for the people to speak.

    Home/News 2009

  • We have all it with all the corruption going on in Washingto Dc and we are keeping score deadfish.

    Home/News 2009

  • We have all it with all the corruption going on in Washingto Dc and we are keeping score deadfish.

    Home/News 2009

  • We've got the Democrats now want to politicize the census by moving it into Rahm -- Rahmbo, deadfish -- Emanuel's hands.

    Media Matters for America - Limbaugh Wire 2009


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