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  • noun Plural form of decretal.


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  • On December 10 he posted a public announcement that the next morning, at nine o'clock, the antichristian decretals, that is, the Papal law-books, would be burnt, and he invited all the

    Life of Luther Julius Koestlin

  • These collections, which did not include the texts used by Gratian, grouped the materials into five books, each divided into "titles", and under each title the decretals or fragments of decretals were grouped in chronological order.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy 1840-1916 1913

  • On December 10th he posted a public announcement that the next morning, at nine o'clock, the anti-Christian decretals, that is, the papal law-books, would be burned, and he invited all the

    The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 09 John [Editor] Rudd 1885

  • On December 10 he posted a public announcement that the next morning, at nine o'clock, the antichristian decretals, that is, the Papal law-books, would be burnt, and he invited all the Wittenberg students to attend.

    Life of Martin Luther Koestlin, Julius 1881

  • From the earliest ages the letters of the Roman pontiffs constitute, with the canons of the councils, the principal element of canon law, not only of the Roman Church and its immediate dependencies. but of all Christendom; they are everywhere relied upon and collected, and the ancient canonical compilations contain a large number of these precious "decretals" (decreta, statuta, epistolae decretales, and epistolae synodicae).

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy 1840-1916 1913

  • Papal documents have been called by various names, such as decretals, bulls, or encyclicals.]

    A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1. Carlton J. H. Hayes 1923

  • Yet detailed examinations of the available records by reputable historians have found "no evidence of its existence in law books, charters, decretals, trials, or glossaries," one scholar notes.

    Archive 2009-07-01 elena maria vidal 2009

  • Yet detailed examinations of the available records by reputable historians have found "no evidence of its existence in law books, charters, decretals, trials, or glossaries," one scholar notes.

    Jus Prima Noctis elena maria vidal 2009

  • The decretals of the popes, some genuine, others most impudently forged, became the code of the new governors, “regas”; lords,

    A Philosophical Dictionary 2007

  • Accordingly, the game of chess has remained substantially the same for upwards of five thousand years, and is common to all the inhabitants of the earth; while the decretals are known only at Spoleto, Orvieto, and

    A Philosophical Dictionary 2007


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