
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of deink.


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  • Inks are compatible with the most recent deinking techniques guaranteeing a first-rate ecological solution.

    Packaging and Converting ESSENTIALS Admin 2010

  • In addition, deinking printed paper during recycling consumes energy and bleaching paper itself has also become a concern for the environment. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed 2008

  • You go girl! it now appears that the real front runner in the republican ticket is sara palin. mccain is done. he is a a quitter. he has quit in michigan, and he has quit ont he americn people by runnning a nasty racist campaing led by the un-american palin family. they have gutter values and her husband was in favor of alaska quitting the united states in favor if becomming an independent country. mccain has chosen a real america hater, and he is a despicable slouch. can you imagine what mccaoin would be saying if it was obama's wife who was a drug stealing drug addict? or if it was his daughter who posted photos of herself deinking whisky? or if obama was a cheating husband who lied to his new wife about his age. 2008


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