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  • _ This is but falsely pretended, for as Didoclavius observeth, (469) _aliud est deputare, aliud dedicare, aliud sanctificare_.

    The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) George Gillespie 1630

  • This showed that the power which Christ had to work these miracles was an original power; that he had it not as a Servant, but as a Son in his own house, in that he could confer it upon others, and invest them with it: they have a rule in the law, Deputatus non potest deputare -- He that is only deputed himself, cannot depute another; but our Lord Jesus had life in himself, and the Spirit without measure; for he could give this power even to the weak and foolish things of the world.

    Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John) 1721

  • "Poterat tamen Imperator in patrocinium Eccelesiae patrimonium et alia deputare immoto semper superiori dominio cujus unitas divisio non patitur.

    Among My Books Second Series James Russell Lowell 1855

  • Deo$ Famulos fuipicatur Phtlippus eiTe familiares; Deam diam lunonem dici cenfet etiam in illis Ipcis, vbi lunonis nomennon additumlegitur; veluti ibidem in his verbis: fratres aruales praetextaH Jacrificiutk deOe diae ture et vino fecerunt, ibique decumbentes toralibus Jegmentatis miniftrantibus pueris. vnde addes toraUa/egmeH 'tata vefti et cunis fegmentatis, quae pofuit Gefheri Thed L»* L. coercendi ergo'] Salmaftus ad Solinnm p. 413. malebat * legi coinquendi, quod verbum Feftus interpretatur deputare.

    Scriptorvm rei rvsticae vetervm latinorvm tomvs primvs-[qvartvs].. 1794


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