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  • I was sorely hurt, he said, to be the wife of a man of his consi-deration!

    Sir Charles Grandison 2006

  • Yet the future happiness, and not pride, would be the consi-deration with her: for she has that diffidence in her own merits, from which the worthy of both sexes cannot be totally free.

    Sir Charles Grandison 2006

  • The recapitalization program further offers about 28.2 million shares and $140.8 million in cash to THL, while Goldman will receive about 0.016 million shares along with a cash payment of $77.5 million as consi deration from MoneyGram.

    unknown title 2011

  • -- The good wishes you are pleased to offer on my account, I re - ciprocate with the most respectful consi - deration, - and have the honor to be

    Letter to Angelica Schuyler Church (December 4, 1798) 1798

  • While Lapang defended the move, John F. Kharshiing, spokesperson of the F.deration of Khasi States, told HT: "I wouldn't mind being notified as the fifth CM free of cost if it helps ... improve governance ..."

    Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views' 2010

  • -- Moderation is caused by the fear of exciting the envy and contempt which those merit who are intoxicated with their good fortune; it is a vain dis - play of our strength of mind, and in short the mo - deration of men at their greatest height is only a desire to appear greater than their fortune.

    Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims Fran��ois duc de La Rochefoucauld 1646

  • Title of CUSIP November 18, Priority deration Premium deration Security Number 2009 Level (1) (1) (1) (2)

    unknown title 2009

  • With the consideration of addi ng triple parity to ZFS, consi deration should be made to usi ng every bit on those un [...]

    Sun Bloggers 2009

  • "Robinho told Dunga that he's a victim of an opportunist and that he has done everything necessary in the legal sense to clarify the matter, in which he had no participation," the Brazilian Football deration added on its Web site.

    The Jakarta Post 2009

  • I will not waste the time of the court by a minute consi - deration of all the evidence brought forward by the pri - soner, as explanatory of the delay which took place before his embarkation at Natchez.

    Trial of Col. Thomas H. Cushing Before a General Court Martial: Which Sat at ... Thomas Humphrey Cushing, Wade Hampton 1812


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