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  • Mr. Grudin traces its history from Ancient Rome, when the Latin word "designare" had many meanings including mark, trace, describe, designate, plan and perpetrate.

    NYT > Home Page By ALICE RAWSTHORN 2010

  • Mr. Grudin traces its history from Ancient Rome, when the Latin word "designare" had many meanings including mark, trace, describe, designate, plan and perpetrate.

    NYT > Home Page By ALICE RAWSTHORN 2010

  • Ma la perfezione è possibile, o è un concetto artificioso, un aggettivo per designare ciò che vogliamo ma non possiamo ottenere?

    No Fat Clips!!! : HANK DEVOS – Linus and the 5th World 2007

  • Neque interim omisit eiusdem Regis mores, et formam, per omnia corporis lineamenta designare, addiditque pr鎐laro suo open hoc aptissimum pro titulo nomen, scilicet, Itinerarium Regis Richardi.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • Ideo ipsum non iuvenes designare qui se adiuvare dicantur, sed viros quorum operam et in bello et in otio et in negotio populus sit expertus. '

    The Student's Companion to Latin Authors Thomas Ross Mills

  • Sed quae tibi causa notior est, eam prius designare uerbis atque informare conabor ut ea perspecta cum in contrariam partem flexeris oculos, uerae beatitudinis speciem possis agnoscere.

    The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius 1908

  • If these courses, whereof we have spoken, be followed by Christian princes, they shall, by the blessing of God, procure that the church shall be served with able and fit ministers; but though thus they may _procurare speciem_, yet they may not _designare individuum_, which now I am to demonstrate.

    The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) George Gillespie 1630

  • Neque interim omisit eiusdem Regis mores, et formam, per omnia corporis lineamenta designare, addiditque præclaro suo open hoc aptissimum pro titulo nomen, scilicet, Itinerarium Regis Richardi.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 08 Asia, Part I Richard Hakluyt 1584

  • Sic solet Ovidius res aut homiites ab iis, quae serius evenerum, designare.

    P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum libri VI. Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso, Gottlieb Erdmann Gierig 1812

  • ‘naïf’ and ‘natif’; from ‘designare’, ‘dessiner’ and ‘designer’; from ‘decimare’, ‘dîmer’ and ‘décimer’; from ‘consumere’,

    English Past and Present Richard Chenevix Trench 1846


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