
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The tendency or disposition to be or become a devotee.


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  • Can I ask why devoteeism is any different than preferring women for being thin or young or blond or whatever?

    Devotees and me (closing Screw Bronze); the cage of stereotype plus a suicide! Elizabeth McClung 2007

  • Tahitians by the first discoverers, especially by those who were not narrowed in judgment by inexperience and religious fanaticism, as were the British and French missionaries of early days, peasants and apprentices who had forsaken the fields and workshops for the higher sphere of devoteeism and freedom from manual labor.

    Mystic Isles of the South Seas. Frederick O'Brien 1900

  • "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God" with thy mind -- This commands our intellectual nature: Thou shalt put intelligence into thine affection -- in opposition to a blind devotion, or mere devoteeism.

    Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible 1871

  • "I found that to oppose her was useless: little religion she ever seemed to have had, so that no devoteeism urged her to this scheme: she only wanted rest.

    Olive A Novel Dinah Maria Mulock Craik 1856


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