
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun Restricted use of lights at night, as to make a city less visible from the air in wartime.
  • noun The semidarkness resulting from restricted use of lights at night.


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  • The war mandated rationing and sacrifice—four gallons of gas a week, dim-out restrictions, high taxes.

    Empire of Dreams Scott Eyman 2010

  • The port area itself, however, was an improvement on Rome: here was no blackout, just a dim-out which probably didn't vary appreciably from the normal.

    Partisans MacLean, Alistair 1982

  • Dim-in and dim-out feature for the interior room lamps - Proton says this is better for the eyes at night and it also adds a certain touch of class. News 2009


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