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  • As the dimesized flakes fell with increasing intensity, I retreated deeper inside myself.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith Jack Canfield 2008

  • As the dimesized flakes fell with increasing intensity, I retreated deeper inside myself.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Catholic Faith Jack Canfield 2008

  • A dimesized piece of rock pops off the chockstone and falls onto my trapped wrist.

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place Aron Ralston 2004

  • A dimesized piece of rock pops off the chockstone and falls onto my trapped wrist.

    127 Hours Aron Ralston 2004

  • A dimesized piece of rock pops off the chockstone and falls onto my trapped wrist.

    127 Hours Aron Ralston 2004

  • A dimesized piece of rock pops off the chockstone and falls onto my trapped wrist.

    127 Hours Aron Ralston 2004


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