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  • "He's a dindy masher, ain't he, by Gawd?" laughed Jimmie.

    Maggie, a Girl of the Streets Stephen Crane 1885

  • He’s been calling you ‘dindy,’ which is at once endearing and irritating.

    Indie Girl Kavita Daswani 2007

  • He’s been calling you ‘dindy,’ which is at once endearing and irritating.

    Indie Girl Kavita Daswani 2007

  • O deur!) and bringing busses to his cheeks, their masculine Oirisher Rose (his neece cleur!), and legando round his nice new neck for him and pizzicagnoling his woolywags, with their dindy dandy sugar de candy mechree me postheen flowns courier to belive them of all his untiring young dames and send treats in their times.

    Finnegans Wake 2006


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