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  • Oh and dirttrack stockcar races have had more people too.

    Think Progress » ‘Tens of thousands’ turn out to protest Iraq escalation. 2007

  • Fourth is ChileanPablo Donoso driving for A.J. Foyt but he is not expected to rn the dirttracks, fifth is road racing veteran Tim Barber looking for his first dirttrack start

    Backstretch Motorsports 2009

  • Fourth is ChileanPablo Donoso driving for A.J. Foyt but he is not expected to rn the dirttracks, fifth is road racing veteran Tim Barber looking for his first dirttrack start

    Backstretch Motorsports 2009

  • Fourth is ChileanPablo Donoso driving for A.J. Foyt but he is not expected to rn the dirttracks, fifth is road racing veteran Tim Barber looking for his first dirttrack start

    Backstretch Motorsports 2009

  • Fourth is ChileanPablo Donoso driving for A.J. Foyt but he is not expected to rn the dirttracks, fifth is road racing veteran Tim Barber looking for his first dirttrack start

    Backstretch Motorsports 2009


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