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  • Una video di qualche tempo fa, girato come uno show di una rete locale, con pupazzi, dissolvenze leziose e disturbo da VHS.

    No Fat Clips!!! : C-Rayz Walz – Blackout 2009

  • Somehow that was never part of the stereotype for me, but a gay man in Italy was forced to re-take his driver's test and then was issued with only a one-year permit, because of his "sexual identity disturbance" "disturbo del comportamento sessuale".

    Archive 2008-07-01 2008

  • Blown up to dot-matrix view, it's so zeroed in it's almost out of focus, like that 90's disturbo

    Vice Magazine 2008

  • The quirk (e) y reviewer in the New Statesman wishes I’d shown more of my ‘disturbo’ side, whereas glimpses of the compulsive blogger in me made others deeply uncomfortable.

    post mortem 2008

  • The quirk (e) y reviewer in the New Statesman wishes I’d shown more of my ‘disturbo’ side, whereas glimpses of the compulsive blogger in me made others deeply uncomfortable.

    toys 2008


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