
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of doeskin.


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  • And his dress, in her opinion, was enough to frighten a hodman, of a scavenger of the roads, instead of the decent suit of kersey, or of Sabbath doeskins, such as had won the respect and reverence of his fellow-townsmen.

    Lorna Doone Richard Doddridge 2004

  • White Bow, in summer weight doeskins, seemed oblivious, and Wolf thought with no little terror of his mastery over fire.

    Black Blade Lustbader, Eric Van 1992

  • Now I was of a mind to curse the vanity that had led me to fit myself out with doeskins that were of so snug a cut they needed much tugging to get into them, and with endless lacings with which my awkward fingers, clumsier than ever from the icy water and the trembling the fever had left me in, fumbled desperately.

    The Rose of Old St. Louis Mary Dillon

  • With deft fingers she piled her softest doeskins for his bed.

    Their Mariposa Legend; a romance of Santa Catalina

  • And finally he exhibited with evident pride a pair of doeskins that buttoned over the calf to be worn with high shoes, which I make sure he would have tried on likewise had he been offered the slightest encouragement.

    Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill Winston Churchill 1909

  • And finally he exhibited with evident pride a pair of doeskins that buttoned over the calf to be worn with high shoes, which I make sure he would have tried on likewise had he been offered the slightest encouragement.

    Richard Carvel — Complete Winston Churchill 1909

  • And finally he exhibited with evident pride a pair of doeskins that buttoned over the calf to be worn with high shoes, which I make sure he would have tried on likewise had he been offered the slightest encouragement.

    Richard Carvel — Volume 04 Winston Churchill 1909

  • There should be a matter of two doeskins, tanned white and fine (_he produces them from under his blanket_) if the gods are friendly.

    The Arrow-Maker A Drama in Three Acts Mary Hunter Austin 1901

  • And finally he exhibited with evident pride a pair of doeskins that buttoned over the calf to be worn with high shoes, which I make sure he would have tried on likewise had he been offered the slightest encouragement.

    Richard Carvel Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947 1899

  • As I had guessed, there by the fire lay a soft and heavy pack of doeskins, open, and a pretty Oneida matron sewing Dutch wampum on a painted sporran for her warrior lord.

    The Hidden Children 1899


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