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  • In the sunlight, which fell diagonally by the windows, its dolch flashed blood-redly. "is that friendly?" the officer asked furiously.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • It felt again reliably on the legs, the area turned no longer before its eyes and fastened it someone now the belt with the dolch over ...

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • With an ugly curse, which was not very ladyful, it destroyed the windowpane with its dolch and crept through during it looked around, pulled it also the rope inward.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • The dolch had however no blade, but only a short beginning, which was hardly sufficient in addition, the weapon in that To hold sheath.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • But it tore itself loosely and pulled its dolch. "which is that?" she called thereby.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • Lalnakh jumped to the side and tore its dolch from the sheath.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • Falkayn would have the dolch to pull and it in the backs to push be able, while she kauerte before him.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • At the broad belt a sword, during arm chest, baumelte lance and dolch the armament completed.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • Before the Iranankaner could straighten up, Chee him pushed shut the throat with a hand and pulled to it with the other one the dolch from the belt.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966

  • Falkayn bent itself to the right, turned half after the Rothaarigen, reached very fast for the dolch and wanted to sting.

    The Trouble Twisters Anderson, Poul, 1926- 1966


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