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  • A place where they can be not just cogs in the domestico-pedagogic machine but colorful individuals, sexual entities, and romantic agents?

    Fidelity With a Wandering Eye 2005

  • A place where they can be not just cogs in the domestico-pedagogic machine but colorful individuals, sexual entities, and romantic agents?

    Fidelity With a Wandering Eye 2005

  • Il film è un ritratto domestico di Patti e suo figlio Jackson.

    No Fat Clips!!! : PATTI SMITH – Smells Like Teen Spirit 2007

  • And the colloquies preceding it had been of a thoroughly typical sort, compressing in a nutshell a whole history, in fact the whole history, of the domestico-commerical relationships of rising Houses.

    V. V.'s Eyes Henry Sydnor Harrison 1905

  • But where the punishment was barbarously immoderate and accompanied by painful privation of food, clothing, and rest, it is not correction in foro domestico, indicates deliberate killing, and is therefore murder. 2

    Slavery in the State of North Carolina 1899

  • In questo mentre un domestico annuncio Mr. Hobhouse.

    Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals Byron, George G 1854

  • On perceiving the approach of the domestico, Don Mariano silently closed the curtains of the _litera_, in order that the slumbers of Gertrudis might not be disturbed.

    The Tiger Hunter Mayne Reid 1850

  • Nel suo delirio egli compose molti versi che ordinò al suo domestico di scrivere sotto la sua dittatura.

    Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals Thomas Moore 1815

  • In questo mentre un domestico annunciò Mr. Hobhouse.

    Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 5 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals George Gordon Byron Byron 1806

  • Siempre le ha gustado ser independiente y ayudar en los gastos del hogar, sus principales clientes son empleados que están ubicadas en el sector de las Nieves, barrio donde ella vive, que se encuentra circundado por grandes empresas; su primer mercado domestico con el cual comenzó su negocio fue su familia y como es muy amigable consigue clientes muy rápidamente.

    Kiva Loans 2010


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