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  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA.

    Slashdot: Science kdawson 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA. The The Deep Space Climate Observatory was mothballed for almost a decade and yet it has sensors on it that could be helping significantly with measuring ash density

    Slashdot: Science kdawson 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA.

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA.

    Slashdot: Science kdawson 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA.

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA. The The Deep Space Climate Observatory was mothballed for almost a decade and yet it has sensors on it that could be helping significantly with measuring ash density

    Slashdot: Science kdawson 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA. The The Deep Space Climate Observatory was mothballed for almost a decade and yet it has sensors on it that could be helping significantly with measuring ash density

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • The majority of the data we DO have in this situation is from downlooking satellites from ESA and NASA. The The Deep Space Climate Observatory was mothballed for almost a decade and yet it has sensors on it that could be helping significantly with measuring ash density

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • As a minimum I would expect from the OCO mission some downlooking spectra in the 10-14 micron band which can be compared with nimbus in the 70’s.

    Unthreaded #15 « Climate Audit 2007

  • As a minimum I would expect from the OCO mission some downlooking spectra in the 10-14 micron band which can be compared with nimbus in the 70’s.

    Unthreaded #15 « Climate Audit 2007


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