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  • As will become clear, Cobb cannot return to the U.S. because something happened to his wife, the aptly named Mal (Marion Cotillard), who may be dead, or may be alive, but either way travels through Cobb's dreamlife wreaking havoc.

    The Fog of Film 2010

  • As will become clear, Cobb cannot return to the U.S. because something happened to his wife, the aptly named Mal (Marion Cotillard), who may be dead, or may be alive, but either way travels through Cobb's dreamlife wreaking havoc.

    'Inception': To Dream, Perchance to Sleep 2010

  • Daniel Merlin Goodbrey's project explores both the dreamlife and waking existence of the sole archivist of glam rock dictator Hieronymous Pop's murky history.

    This week's new art picks amp; Robert Clark 2010

  • Hemon takes the dreamlife behind the dream apart to reveal the person the immigrant never likes to talk about; yet it is all out there in the open.

    Anis Shivani: The Best Books of the Decade 2009

  • Elkin captures its dual sense of both long ago and right now, and its similarity to dreams: ‘the eternal dream-time -- a time which is past and yet present, partaking of the nature of the dreamlife, unfettered by the limitations set by time and space’ [Callicott 1994: 174].

    The Vivisection of Bone, Part 2: Mytho-Bone-esis 2007

  • Elkin captures its dual sense of both long ago and right now, and its similarity to dreams: ‘the eternal dream-time -- a time which is past and yet present, partaking of the nature of the dreamlife, unfettered by the limitations set by time and space’ [Callicott 1994: 174].

    Archive 2007-05-01 2007

  • It's one of those books whose dreamlife seems to seep into real life, rendering the whole world more wonderfully mysterious.

    The Handsell: The Manual of Detection and The Secret Currency of Love Book Nerd 2009

  • It's one of those books whose dreamlife seems to seep into real life, rendering the whole world more wonderfully mysterious.

    Archive 2009-04-22 Book Nerd 2009

  • In typical Gondry fashion, there is nothing typical about this movie, so use this space to discuss your dreamlife, obsess over his new movie and explore the exciting online universe that's been created for this new film.

    Science 2006

  • So quit reading and start watching to learn everything about the “blogopolis,” “MySpaces,” and “bing-bong emails” to get the dreamlife of your dreams, using the Internet.

    Gabe and Max will Make You Laugh 2007


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