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  • No! eventually welcomed me to take a photo of his droguerie* this, after I explained to him that I had not been pointing my objectif*

    Photography 2009

  • No! eventually welcomed me to take a photo of his droguerie* this, after I explained to him that I had not been pointing my objectif*

    Morocco 2009

  • French Vocabulary cela dit = that said; l'homme (m) = man; le périple (m) = journey, voyage; une âme (f) = soul; la droguerie (f) = hardware store; un objectif (m) = camera lens

    Morocco 2009

  • French Vocabulary cela dit = that said; l'homme (m) = man; le périple (m) = journey, voyage; une âme (f) = soul; la droguerie (f) = hardware store; un objectif (m) = camera lens

    Photography 2009

  • French Vocabulary cela dit = that said; l'homme (m) = man; le périple (m) = journey, voyage; une âme (f) = soul; la droguerie (f) = hardware store; un objectif (m) = camera lens

    Jules 2009

  • French Vocabulary cela dit = that said; l'homme (m) = man; le périple (m) = journey, voyage; une âme (f) = soul; la droguerie (f) = hardware store; un objectif (m) = camera lens

    Morocco 2009

  • French Vocabulary cela dit = that said; l'homme (m) = man; le périple (m) = journey, voyage; une âme (f) = soul; la droguerie (f) = hardware store; un objectif (m) = camera lens

    Photography 2009

  • Post Note: I should point out that the man who shouted after me ( "No! No! No!") eventually welcomed me to take a photo of his droguerie* (this, after I explained to him that I had not been pointing my objectif* at the children playing in the street, but at the beautiful bougainvillea just above.

    Jules 2009

  • Post Note: I should point out that the man who shouted after me ( "No! No! No!") eventually welcomed me to take a photo of his droguerie* (this, after I explained to him that I had not been pointing my objectif* at the children playing in the street, but at the beautiful bougainvillea just above.

    Morocco 2009

  • Post Note: I should point out that the man who shouted after me ( "No! No! No!") eventually welcomed me to take a photo of his droguerie* (this, after I explained to him that I had not been pointing my objectif* at the children playing in the street, but at the beautiful bougainvillea just above.

    Photography 2009


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