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  • As a former scrote juvenile delinquent who hung out with other juvenile delinquents, I can personally attest that out of all the juvenile delinquents I knew, the only ones who got into real trouble (i.e. prison sentences roundabout the age of 17/18, drugdealing, etc.) were those who had no father around.

    Children Need Fresh Fruit, Not Fathers Laban 2006

  • Prosecutors said the gang, which also went by "The New Dons," wasn't involved in drugdealing.

    NY Daily News BY MATT DELUCA 2011

  • Get Low (July 30) starring Robert Duvall and Amelie director Jean-Pierre Jeunet's latest Winter's Bone (Roadside Attractions - June 11), a thriller about a girl from the Ozark Mountains who tries to hunt down her drugdealing father, was picked up after its debut at Sundance where it won the Grand Jury Prize and a screenwriting award. - 30 most recent stories 2010

  • His first prison term was a two-year sentence for drugdealing.

    The Guardian World News Sadhbh Walshe 2010

  • If they didn't allow the violence and open drugdealing and take care of their property, I believe we would all get along much better.

    CNN Political Ticker 2009

  • If they didn't allow the violence and open drugdealing and take care of their property, I believe we would all get along much better.

    CNN Political Ticker 2009

  • "Regarding the relative's proposition that Ronal Edward Hall is a 'good boy' whom the police are harassing, .... he's been charged with murder before and convicted of attempted murder, drugdealing, and handgun charges in the comission of a crime in '96, plus a laundrylist of other criminal cases.

    Baltimore Crime MJB 2010


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