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  • Also, background was skimpy, drugtesting poorly supervised(meaning lots of fraudulent urine samples got through) and psych testing for a long time was non-existant or ignored(according to a psych who did screening for this agency, his decisions to disqualify candidates were often disregarded and ignored).

    Misogynistic Cops Gone Wild 2005

  • I told Amber when Aden got to walking and talking I would watch him but kept him yesterday while they were drugtesting for their jobs (he just got one and she's a CNA) and I kinda liked not hearing

    Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes 2010

  • I told Amber when Aden got to walking and talking I would watch him but kept him yesterday while they were drugtesting for their jobs (he just got one and she's a CNA) and I kinda liked not hearing

    Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes 2010


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