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  • Yes, it really is that simple -- morning breath generally comes from drymouth, which causes bad breath.

    Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Why Is Morning Breath So Bad? D.D.S. Thomas P. Connelly 2011

  • Are you trying to convince me that SVGL is not responsible for my drymouth, dizziness and abrasions?

    Programming Note SVGL 2009

  • It has worked for me, however the only drawback was drymouth so I have cut back on how much I use Itthe toothpaste.

    Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores) Dr. Dean Brandon 2008

  • For the first time since adolescence, I am not debilitated by sneezing and streaming eyes, sinus headaches and drymouth, completely immobilized.

    Spores yuki_onna 2006

  • There were times when I was younger when I would take the drymouth and danger to satisfy obsessions because I didn't understand that sexuality is intrinsic to the human animal.

    catpewk Diary Entry catpewk 2004

  • I have the sniffles and drymouth and a general feeling of malaise/Sunday-night-blues.

    blah. hanya27 2004

  • Side effects include an incredible amount of excess energy, extreme drymouth, and also death.

    TV Fodder 2009

  • Last night’s episode “The Constant” gave us some big-time insight into Desmond’s strange future-predicting abilities and what kind of ’side effects’ can be produced by leaving the island all those who had their money on drymouth are out a couple bucks this morning.

    LOST RECAP: Desmond Hume Has Come Unstuck In Time. | Best Week Ever 2008

  • And my straw got all bent up before, I’ve got drymouth from this damned allergy medicine, and… well, I don’ WANNA do no more spitwads today.

    Firedoglake » Some Things to Contemplate… 2006


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