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  • Jake Walthour, head of advisory services for the duediligence firm Aksia LLC said, “In most hedge funds, you have many partners indeals, but he was doing everything in a self-contained way.”

    Personal About Politics: The Upper Class Trickles Down to the Middle Class 2008

  • U.S. Airways is saying that they wants Delta creditors to actually go ahead and talk to Delta because they want Delta to open itself up to some duediligence from U.S. Airways.

    CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2007 2007

  • DJ: Once the lights go down, theyreally go up with us when have to go do duediligence and check these people, and you’re talking to people that you really made ahalf-a-million-dollar deal in 20 minutes ontelevision, and you have to…

    Buzzine » Interviews: Shark Tank 2009


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