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  • Their feet stamped harder, faster, in an ever-increasing tempo, and their voices rang out in the dustladen air, obscuring all other sounds.

    Circles of Stone Joan Dahr Lambert 1997

  • Their feet stamped harder, faster, in an ever-increasing tempo, and their voices rang out in the dustladen air, obscuring all other sounds.

    Circles of Stone Joan Dahr Lambert 1997

  • Their feet stamped harder, faster, in an ever-increasing tempo, and their voices rang out in the dustladen air, obscuring all other sounds.

    Circles of Stone Joan Dahr Lambert 1997

  • The advancing season changed so gradually, they hardly noticed when the warm sun became a scorching ball of flame searing the steppes, turning the flat plain into a jaundiced monochrome of dun earth, buff grass, and beige rocks against a dustladen, yellowish drab sky.

    The Clan of the Cave Bear Auel, Jean M. 1980

  • From the traveller, whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended, whose garment is torn and dustladen, whose strength is exhausted, remove shame and poverty, and renew his life like a flower under the cover of thy kindly night.

    Gitanjali, 1913

  • From the traveller, whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended, whose garment is torn and dustladen, whose strength is exhausted, remove shame and poverty, and renew his life like a flower under the cover of thy kindly night.

    Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore 1901


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