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  • ¶ And his daughter-in-law, Phin'ehas 'wife, was with child, near to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed; for her pains came upon her.

    1 Samuel 4. 1999

  • This sit ehas given me some ideas to go with thank you mer

    Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Black, White and Yellow 2009

  • NhIiQsTUrEe this on ehas the capitals scrambled in to a word and the lowercase scrambled into a word.

    unknown title 2009

  • Anomimouse’s very good point notwithstanding (the thread is beyond saving now), there is an interesting point no on ehas caught onto in the picture.

    Matthew Yglesias » Politics and Investment Bias 2010

  • ANY MORON THAT CALLS THIER RELIGION A TRUE RELIGION NEEDS A LESS INTENSE HOBBY its the people like you who cuase this stir you said islamics are the real cuase of wrong doing not the religion but isnt the people like you with too much passion that you want to veil the world with just ur religion you are willing to use ti like a cloak and deny all existence of another religion, then you sir is a bigot as well ontop of that go on reddit right now and look at the post from a friendly christian asking why an athiest disagrees with religion they answered politely and the discussion ended they didnt end up argueing with each other, everyon ehas thier own opinion religion is a bitch, god is a sadistic monster, and you are no less a cuase of it Top headlines 2012

  • i cant belive kat ehas 6 ids my mom can barley hanndle 2 without freaking out!

    Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider 2009

  • i am mazed that no meniton is made fo what to do with the predators. rebbeom should not decide if asnus ehas occurred. children should be sent immediatly to professionals. if the professional beleives there had been abuse the professional is obligated to report the suspected abuseer and file a report with child protective services. anusers should b ein jail not working in a warehouse supposedly away from children.

    Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?) 2009

  • i cant belive kat ehas 6 ids my mom can barley hanndle 2 without freaking out!

    Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider 2009


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