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  • Then, like a burned-out eldertree in Gornar’s southern forests, her tormentor swayed briefly before beginning an unceremonious terminal descent through a cloud of ozone-scented smoke.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010

  • Then, like a burned-out eldertree in Gornar’s southern forests, her tormentor swayed briefly before beginning an unceremonious terminal descent through a cloud of ozone-scented smoke.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010

  • Then, like a burned-out eldertree in Gornar’s southern forests, her tormentor swayed briefly before beginning an unceremonious terminal descent through a cloud of ozone-scented smoke.

    Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire Michael A. Martin 2010


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