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  • The first thing to note is that ˜dispensability™ is not the same as ˜eliminability™.

    Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics Colyvan, Mark 2008

  • For example, the status of organisms in the biological sciences has been the subject of a recent symposium at the PSA Biannual Meetings (Ankeny 2000, Laublicher and Wagner 2000, Richardson 2000, Shaffner 2000, J. Wilson 2000), with discussion there of the role of model organisms in biology and of the eliminability or reducibility of talk of organisms in biology, in addition to some of the topics I have discussed here.

    The Biological Notion of Individual Wilson, Robert A. 2007

  • For the term-based approach, the problem was that, given the non-eliminability of dispositional and theoretical terms, empirical significance was no longer ascribable to individual expressions in isolation but became a holistic affair, with little guarantee in turn for the empiricist legitimacy of all the terms now involved.

    Vienna Circle Uebel, Thomas 2006

  • It was left to those writing in the context of an eighteenth-century belief in the perfectibility of man to conceive of the eliminability of war itself and to challenge the morality of any use of force.



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