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  • They wanted to know if it was not rather "ennuyeux" here.

    Three Years in Tristan da Cunha Katherine Mary Barrow

  • To demand equal correctness and felicity in those who may follow in the track of that illustrious novelist, would be to fetter too much the power of giving pleasure, by surrounding it with penal rules; since of this sort of light literature it may be especially said — tout genre est permis, hors le genre ennuyeux.

    The Monastery 2008

  • Finally, when something is "dull as ditchwater" it is ennuyeux comme la pluie

    le fossé - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • Finally, when something is "dull as ditchwater" it is ennuyeux comme la pluie

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • Finally, when something is "dull as ditchwater" it is ennuyeux comme la pluie

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • Sur ton site, et c'est le seul blog qui me fait le coup, à chaque fois… à chaque page, j'ai un popup cocomment qui vient pour faire un login, c'est très ennuyeux.

    Flock, extensions, and coComment — Climb to the Stars 2006

  • Finally, when something is "dull as ditchwater" it is ennuyeux comme la pluie

    le fossé - French Word-A-Day 2005

  • Finally, when something is "dull as ditchwater" it is ennuyeux comme la pluie

    French Word-A-Day: 2005

  • _L'Ecole des Menages_, which she liked; a few days later, he returned, depressed because a great lady had told him it was _ennuyeux_, so she tried to cheer him.

    Women in the Life of Balzac Juanita Helm Floyd

  • (Comme ça doit être ennuyeux à ceux qui comprennent l'Allemand!) ''

    [Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White 1906


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