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  • Holland explained that when Wilde died he was bankrupt and his friends could offer him only un enterrement de sixième classe a sixth-class burial at Bagneux, outside the city.

    Oscar Wilde's lipstick-covered Paris tomb to be protected 2011

  • Now, as concerning his enterrement, the meanes is readily prepared for you here in this

    The Decameron 2004

  • And this is curious, considering the general colour of the dress of a century in which, as Baudelaire says, 'Nous celebrons tous quelque enterrement.'

    Intentions Oscar Wilde 1877

  • Other international equivalents include the French "enterrement de vie de jeune fille" and the Canadian stagette.

    BBC News - Home 2011

  • The French often have wise words for situations like these, and their term for the stag do is "enterrement de vie de garçon", which literally means "the burial of the life as a boy".

    WalesOnline - Home 2011


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