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  • There is also some danger to being in his Presence if one is expecting something, for the misconceived hopes may project to and bounce off of him in cyclical, evermounting repetitions that build up and psychically injure the seeker.

    The Book of the SubGenius The SubGenius Foundation 1983

  • There is also some danger to being in his Presence if one is expecting something, for the misconceived hopes may project to and bounce off of him in cyclical, evermounting repetitions that build up and psychically injure the seeker.

    The Book of the SubGenius The SubGenius Foundation 1983

  • There is also some danger to being in his Presence if one is expecting something, for the misconceived hopes may project to and bounce off of him in cyclical, evermounting repetitions that build up and psychically injure the seeker.

    The Book of the SubGenius The SubGenius Foundation 1983

  • The world receded rapidly from the machineage, and as it did so famine and pestilence increased in evermounting spirals.

    Greener Than You Think Ward Moore 1940


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