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  • That sorry record was explained by a quote from ex-Chancellor Joel Klein: "You can mandate awful to adequate, but you can not mandate greatness; it has to be unleashed."

    John Thompson: The Obituaries for Data-Driven 'Reform' Are Being Written John Thompson 2011

  • Twist and dodge as he would, everywhere the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer was met or overtaken by the flying pig.


  • That sorry record was explained by a quote from ex-Chancellor Joel Klein: "You can mandate awful to adequate, but you can not mandate greatness; it has to be unleashed."

    John Thompson: The Obituaries for Data-Driven 'Reform' Are Being Written John Thompson 2011

  • The veteran Labour ex-Chancellor, Lord Healey, arrives.

    Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG: 2009

  • The veteran Labour ex-Chancellor, Lord Healey, arrives.

    Blair's Party for Jack Jones 2009

  • Asked whether he considers Russia at least partly to blame or its response excessive, the ex-Chancellor is first evasive, "this I cannot and don't want to judge," before claiming that "nobody in Moscow's leadership has an interest in military confrontations."

    Schröder on Georgia 2008

  • It was in this spirit that ýHelmut Kohl, the ex-Chancellor of Germany, described the question of the single ýcurrency as one of war or peace.

    The First European 2007

  • And as they started down the corridor, ex-Chancellor Yoz said, Lieutenant Kebron … I apologize for your being dragged into all this.

    Star Trek® New Frontier Peter David 1997

  • And as they started down the corridor, ex-Chancellor Yoz said, Lieutenant Kebron … I apologize for your being dragged into all this.

    Star Trek® New Frontier Peter David 1997

  • And as they started down the corridor, ex-Chancellor Yoz said, Lieutenant Kebron … I apologize for your being dragged into all this.

    Star Trek® New Frontier Peter David 1997


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