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  • At cum incerta volant caeloque examina ludunt contemnuntque favos et frigida tecta relinquunt, instabiles animos ludo prohibebis inani.

    Archive 2007-06-01 David Wharton 2007

  • At cum incerta volant caeloque examina ludunt contemnuntque favos et frigida tecta relinquunt, instabiles animos ludo prohibebis inani.

    Did the Ancient Romans Know About Colony Collapse Disorder? David Wharton 2007

  • I have no recollection of X rays, CAT scans and the doctors 'examina - tions.

    Climbing the Mountain Kirk, Douglas 1997

  • The Code requires an informative, impartial, unbiased examina - tion of any topic with its implications and complications.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1996

  • It was evident that the self-willed machines had profited from what Sheen had learned in the course of her association with Stile; only time, expert observation, or direct physical examina - tion betrayed his current associates.

    Juxtaposition Anthony, Piers 1982

  • It was evident that the self-willed machines had profited from what Sheen had learned in the course of her association with Stile; only time, expert observation, or direct physical examina - tion betrayed his current associates.

    Juxtaposition Anthony, Piers 1982

  • When it made the shift from ancient culture, Christianity attributed in principle a greater value to the soul than to earthly matters; and inasmuch as Christianity emphasized the inner life and examina - tion of one's conscience, it created a favorable climate for the development of introspective psychology, which Socrates had inaugurated and the Stoics had promoted further.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas FERNAND-LUCIEN MUELLER 1968

  • Metalogic today occupies in the activities of logicians a place equal at least in importance to that of logic properly so-called, since beyond the studies specifically assigned to metalogic there is scarcely any work in logic not accompanied by a critical examina - tion on the metalogical level.


  • As far as we can tell from a cursory examina - tion, they didn't sabotage anything absolutely vital.

    Trader To The Stars Anderson, Poul, 1926-2001 1964

  • Le bourgmestre _examina_ l'affaire, puis il déclara que l'employé ne méritait aucun reproche, et que les mouches, _auteurs_ de tout le mal, devaient seules être punies: il permit _donc_ au _paysan_ de les tuer sans _pitié_ partout où il les _rencontrerait_.

    French Conversation and Composition Harry Vincent Wann


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