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  • Wu estimates that hundreds of thousands of exconvicts still endure "forced labor," earning only 6O percent of a normal salary.

    The Last Gulag 2008

  • The sights the young stranger sees and the company he keeps in the Bowery are not of a kind to strengthen any moral principle he may have brought away from home, and by the time his money is gone, with no work yet in sight, and he goes down a step, a long step, to the fifteen-cent lodging-house, he is ready for the tempter whom he finds waiting for him there, reinforced by the contingent of exconvicts returning from the prisons after having served out their sentences for robbery or theft.

    VIII. The Cheap Lodging-Houses 1890

  • "It was a case of choosing between commune life, which he knew wasn't easy, and going on the dole after a few years 'working on a prison farm; exconvicts can't get legitimate jobs.

    The Forever War Haldeman, Joe 1975


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