
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective something very big, large.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From extra- + large.


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  • Splurge on a small serving of fast-food fries, not the extralarge.

    The Small Change Diet Keri Gans 2011

  • Splurge on a small serving of fast-food fries, not the extralarge.

    The Small Change Diet Keri Gans 2011

  • Intended Result: An extralarge, self-seasoning escargot

    Recombinant DNA? 2008

  • Forfeiting your $3.75 custom-brewed, extralarge, nonfat, no-foam latte every day for a year saves you more than $1,300.

    Enough Already Peter Walsh 2009

  • Funny, I don't remember seeing those polls flogged on the homepage in extralarge type.

    AP Poll: Hillary Doing Better Than Obama Against McCain -- Among Independents 2009

  • For extralarge or three-dimensional projects, take a photo or two and put those in the binder.

    The Toddler's Busy Book Trish Kuffner 2008

  • The top managers and administrators have extralarge corner offices on the top floor, custom-made desks, large leather desk chairs, carpeting, coffee tables, couches, and special parking spaces for their cars; first-line supervisors have small offices in the basement with wooden desks and chairs, and park in the lot wherever they can Barnard, 1952.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Moms and dads in stone-washed jeans and extralarge T-shirts passed out juice boxes to toddlers.

    Rapture Ready! Daniel Radosh 2008

  • The top managers and administrators have extralarge corner offices on the top floor, custom-made desks, large leather desk chairs, carpeting, coffee tables, couches, and special parking spaces for their cars; first-line supervisors have small offices in the basement with wooden desks and chairs, and park in the lot wherever they can Barnard, 1952.

    The Bass Handbook of Leadership Bernard M. Bass 2008

  • Sam and I watched as Hope squeezed her extralarge breasts into the Mini Cooper and tore out of the parking lot.

    The Devil’s in the Diva Paul Ruditis 2007


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