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  • Then again, maybe we should leave them at home, that we might enjoy the visual feast of David Bowie's Area without any eyerolling from the menfolks.

    eventful matociquala 2006

  • For one thing, the streets were safer after dark. if someone could say this in a national media broadcast with millions of listeners and cheerfully expect to face no lasting consequences? there's no reason to be surprised that this judge said and did what he did with no expectation of censure. mood: eyerolling

    pumpkin pie. transgriot 2009

  • Why do you need to know? tags: stampeding mood: eyerolling

    tos. verb_noire 2009

  • And there are a few people who have been eyerolling me whenever I mention it.

    Archive 2008-11-01 lili 2008

  • And there are a few people who have been eyerolling me whenever I mention it.

    Dear America: Yes You Did lili 2008

  • I suppose part of my eyerolling with Philo was that he was such a cute, lovable nerd.

    Caprica: End of Line - Pink 2010

  • I've had good reviews on my shorter work, but I can't help worrying that my novel sucks, that I'm too close to the details to have any judgement about it, that my editor and publisher just had this slot to fill in late May and bought a piece of marginal garbage to fill it, that everyone's going to be snarking and eyerolling and wondering how that monstrosity ever got contracted.

    State of the Author jimhines 2010

  • I think it would be inhuman if he didn't do some eyerolling at an absurd answer.

    Palin On Supreme Court Cases: ??? 2009

  • Wednesday, April 1, 2009 · 1. Authentic Thai food 2. Supper out with the Palinode 3. Gift certificates 4. Not taking it personally when the woman at the crosswalk moved several feet away from me as though I had cooties 5. Nearly laughing at the eyerolling look from a stranger who saw the woman's reaction to me

    Grace In Small Things: Part 130 of 365 2009

  • And for all my eyerolling over the event as, superficially at least, a giant group hug for Bay Area film, it was hard not to get caught up in it all despite myself.

    GreenCine Daily: SFIFF Dispatch. 1. 2007


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