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  • It was a fairsized coach-stop with an inn, fortunately.

    Sick Cycle Carousel 2010

  • Not the lithe slender, not the broad roundish near the lithe slender, not the fairsized fullfeatured to the leeward of the broad roundish but, indeed and inneed, the curling, perfect-portioned, flowerfleckled, shapely highhued, delicate features swaying to the windward of the fairsized fullfeatured.

    Finnegans Wake 2006

  • It was perfectly still and presently the moon grew bright; if you had been there you would have seen the moonlight shining on an old tree-stump and on a fairsized boulder.

    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Lewis, C. S. 1950

  • Long distance lines up to 1900 demanded wire about one-eighth of an inch thick -- as thick as a fairsized lead pencil; and, for this reason, the New York-Chicago line, built in 1893, consumed 870,000 pounds of copper wire of this size.

    The Age of Big Business; a chronicle of the captains of industry Burton Jesse Hendrick 1909

  • "Here she comes!" he breathed, and the heavy door was open, revealing the usual interior, with ledgers, and a fairsized steel money-vault, which also came open a moment later.

    Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man Marie Conway Oemler 1905

  • The path led deeper and deeper into the woods and then along a fairsized brook.

    The Rover Boys in Camp or, The Rivals of Pine Island Edward Stratemeyer 1896

  • With Syd holding the rope tightly round the edge of the cleft, and the sailor keeping it fast, the lieutenant had no difficulty in getting along; the sailor followed, and they passed along a natural passage to where the rock sloped away sufficiently for them to mount again to a fairsized ledge, from the end of which there was a ridge of broken rock giving foothold for climbers.

    Syd Belton The Boy who would not go to Sea George Manville Fenn 1870

  • The days of Empire have gone as has the large navy and fairsized but well equiped & trained Army.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Were you in a fairsized place before the plague? "

    Artichoke Christian Bell 2010

  • 78 The kitchen garden must be as large as possible, not only to provide for the household but also, if there is a fairsized town nearby, so the produce can be sold at a profit—a real advantage in a society where cash was hard to come by.

    Savoring The Past Wheaton Barbara Ketcham 1983


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