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  • Down in the main village, Hirafu, there are funky bars including Blo Blo – an ice bar with fairylights, icicles, and 1970s porn on the ceiling, where they top up your beer with vodka – and Gyu Bar, accessed through a fridge door.

    Snow, steam and sashimi: going off-piste in Japan 2011

  • Simon didn't break off midway through the pie to grate in a frozen pig's ear which he had found in the back of a pastel-coloured American-style freezer, before serving it to a gang of fragrant, compliant houseguests in a mansion lit only by fairylights, neon electric Elvis statues and shabby-chic altar candles.

    The Good Cook: Grace Dent's TV OD 2011

  • Link if you listen close you'll hear the fairylights and smoke of the east coast calling

    it's time to see the world. it's time to kiss the girl. avocadovpx 2007

  • Down in the gardens they could see fairylights swinging in the faint breeze.

    The Mischief Maker 1906

  • A dense forest of branches, intermittently illuminated by fairylights, hangs high overhead and a precipitous slope of greensward looms over the stage, which also boasts a small pond.

    Evening Standard - Home Fiona Mountford 2011

  • Down in the main village, Hirafu, there are funky bars including Blo Blo - an ice bar with fairylights, icicles, and 1970s porn on the ceiling, where they top up your beer with vodka - and Gyu Bar, accessed through a fridge door.

    The Guardian World News Gemma Bowes 2011

  • The auditorium proves to be a further wonder, a great grotto like a shark's mouth set under a constellation of fairylights.

    The Guardian World News Jonathan Glancey 2011

  • The streets look amazing, decorated with hundreds of thousands of flowers, both real and artificial, and millions of yellow fairylights. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at 2010

  • This year, no party, no fairylights, no hammer-based aggro.

    Evening Standard - Home 2010

  • Last year we had a Christmas party: that meant not only lots of people ploughing through our wine stocks but decorations for the penguin, fairylights in the hall, and the expense of redecorating after I'd thumped a frustrated hammer through the hall ceiling for the umpteenth time.

    Evening Standard - Home 2010


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