
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective slang, vulgar fat, obese


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

fat +‎ assed


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  • Right off the bat, DERAILED (2005) director Mikael Håfström's 1408 (2007) strikes me as a loser of a title, being too similar to 1492 (1992), although I don't suppose too many ticket holders showed up at the mongrelplex expecting this to be a prequel to Ridley Scott's fatassed epic about Christopher Columbus.

    Stay scared Arbogast 2009

  • Whereas somebody who works [and/or thinks] for themselves has the dubious distinction of having to deliver something tangible - be it a faux finish or a Mickey Mouse mural in a vinyl sided palazzo or the repair of a toilet, it has to occur in reality, or the person doesn't get paid [and sometimes even then, the fatassed drones feel justified in not paying for the artwork they've redecorated around].

    OpEdNews - Diary: Spleen Venting 2009

  • Oilbama can compare his fatassed flat chested sourpuss faced wife Michelle with a Pig if he wants to make a silly remark.

    New Poll Finds McCain With Narrow Lead In North Carolina 2009

  • Since when is a flatchested fatassed sourpussfaced woman considered a great beauty?

    McCain Adviser: Emergency Room Just as Good as Health Insurance 2009

  • They don't understand the first rule of bein 'a Blimpaugh fatassed clone.

    Closed for vacation David 2005

  • She goes on this babbling diatribe about how much everyone means to her, even her "fatassed stepfather", which she repeats over and over again to let everyone know that the bald guy in the tux is a big fatass and is usually not one of her favorite people but right now he's okay.

    unclebob Diary Entry unclebob 2004

  • So, I tried to get Mr. Milliken to do and his man who was running Judson Mills here was a man named Winchester and he was a nice big old fatassed fellow, if you want to know the truth about it.

    Oral History Interview with Alester G. Furman Jr., January 6, 1976. Interview B-0019. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) 1976

  • But this fatassed buffoon recently outdid himself and has now descended even into racist,

    - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community 2010

  • Pile was 'selected' way back during Nam as a 'yes man' aide to a fatassed murdering white Army general.

    Alex Jones' Prison 2009

  • And about how many of these fatassed working-class women have a snowball's chance in Yuma of ever getting and staying "normal size" without becoming deathly ill? News 2009


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