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  • Marty had a Birthday Parade in his honorThere was a crowded play structureLovingly washed feeta ReminderAnd more beautiful boobiesMore entertainersAnother reminderInspiring creativityAnd sheer exhaustion

    Besides watching the garden grow… « Bodhicitta 2008

  • Soon I had a pile of presents at my feeta Thread sweater, a Tracy Reese top, a set of stacking rings from Tiffany, a Longchamp bag.

    Paradise Lost Kate Brian 2009

  • Soon I had a pile of presents at my feeta Thread sweater, a Tracy Reese top, a set of stacking rings from Tiffany, a Longchamp bag.

    Paradise Lost Kate Brian 2009

  • Why in my day we didn't have swiss, feeta or what's this...munster cheese?

    The Speculist: June 2005 Archives 2005

  • Why in my day we didn't have swiss, feeta or what's this...munster cheese?

    The Speculist: Too Much Freedom? 2005


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