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  • Apicius, the Nigella of Rome, cooked them (from his cookery book, we know why liver in France is called foie and in Italian fegato: iecur, the Latin for liver, was often served figgatum, or with figs). news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • Apicius, the Nigella of Rome, cooked them (from his cookery book, we know why liver in France is called foie and in Italian fegato: iecur, the Latin for liver, was often served figgatum, or with figs). news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph 2010

  • If the region's town fathers want to do more to promote their fegato alla salvia or pappardelle sulla lepre, they would do better to scrape away some of their labor restrictions and give local producers and restaurateurs more reason to compete with foreign upstarts.

    Pappardelle Protectionism 2011

  • They make grilled fegato, liver—no one in my family likes liver but me and my mom.

    John Turturro 2011

  • For some reason the fig half of the name is what stuck: Ficatum became the root for foie, higado and fegato, the French, Spanish and Italian words for liver, respectively.

    The Foie Gras Wars Mark Caro 2009

  • For some reason the fig half of the name is what stuck: Ficatum became the root for foie, higado and fegato, the French, Spanish and Italian words for liver, respectively.

    The Foie Gras Wars Mark Caro 2009

  • Or for those who prefer animal parts not be included in the title of their dinner, fegato alla veneziana.

    Archive 2004-11-01 2004

  • Apparently fegato originally meant figs, don't know what figs have to do with calves liver and onion, maybe someone can enlighten me.

    What I cooked last night. 2004

  • Or for those who prefer animal parts not be included in the title of their dinner, fegato alla veneziana.

    What I cooked last night. 2004

  • Apparently fegato originally meant figs, don't know what figs have to do with calves liver and onion, maybe someone can enlighten me.

    Archive 2004-11-01 2004


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