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  • For Dante was the living link between religion and philosophy; he philosophized the religion and christianized the philosophy of Italy; and, in this poetic union of religion and philosophy, he became the ground of transition into the mixed Platonism and Aristotelianism of the Schools, under which, by numerous minute articles of faith and ceremony, Christianity became a craft of hair-splitting, and was ultimately degraded into a complete 'fetisch' worship, divorced from philosophy, and made up of a faith without thought, and a credulity directed by passion.

    Literary Remains, Volume 1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1803

  • Feb 05 • fetisch terranova looks like paris-right on!

    Splitting The Atom film by Edouard Salier « Massive Attack Blog 2010

  • Not so Snowball, who appeared to enter the lists with as little dread and as much confidence as if his _fetisch_ had given him full assurance of victory.

    The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea Mayne Reid 1850

  • The following have been left as they appear in the original: fetisch

    English Past and Present Richard Chenevix Trench 1846

  • But above all, the Mohammedans have introduced the knowledge of the one true God! and destroyed the fetisch idols.

    Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846 James Richardson 1828


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