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  • No hyperbole involved, they bloody do!! vf: Talking of sun, big props (does anyone say that anymore?) to the guy next to us who just drank sun tan lotion at #fieldday Tasty. vf: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • Repetition is the order of the day at a brilliant Caribou set at #fieldday vf: Circle pits around the pillars?

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • Repetition is the order of the day at a brilliant Caribou set at #fieldday vf: Circle pits around the pillars?

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • Repetition is the order of the day at a brilliant Caribou set at #fieldday vf: Circle pits around the pillars?

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • No hyperbole involved, they bloody do!! vf: Talking of sun, big props (does anyone say that anymore?) to the guy next to us who just drank sun tan lotion at #fieldday Tasty. vf: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • Repetition is the order of the day at a brilliant Caribou set at #fieldday vf: Circle pits around the pillars?

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • No hyperbole involved, they bloody do!! vf: Talking of sun, big props (does anyone say that anymore?) to the guy next to us who just drank sun tan lotion at #fieldday Tasty. vf: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • Repetition is the order of the day at a brilliant Caribou set at #fieldday vf: Circle pits around the pillars?

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • No hyperbole involved, they bloody do!! vf: Talking of sun, big props (does anyone say that anymore?) to the guy next to us who just drank sun tan lotion at #fieldday Tasty. vf: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

    Virtual Festivals 2010

  • No hyperbole involved, they bloody do!! vf: Talking of sun, big props (does anyone say that anymore?) to the guy next to us who just drank sun tan lotion at #fieldday Tasty. vf: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

    Virtual Festivals 2010


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