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  • On average, U.S. women who go through natural menopause experience last periods at about age fiftyone, but the range from forty to sixty years old is considered “normal.”

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • On average, U.S. women who go through natural menopause experience last periods at about age fiftyone, but the range from forty to sixty years old is considered “normal.”

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • On average, U.S. women who go through natural menopause experience last periods at about age fiftyone, but the range from forty to sixty years old is considered “normal.”

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • On average, U.S. women who go through natural menopause experience last periods at about age fiftyone, but the range from forty to sixty years old is considered “normal.”

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • At age fiftyone, she was six feet tall and looked just like what a tairy-book queen should be.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • At age fiftyone, she was six feet tall and looked just like what a tairy-book queen should be.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • So it meant that he would get his pension beginning at age fiftyone and such a long period of time to be on pension, and that's why they were really blocking it.

    Oral History Interview with William and Josephine Clement, June 19, 1986. Interview C-0031. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007) 1986

  • I have said before that which I now say, the lives of saints were nigh lost and all their legends, by the Normans, which wasted and spilt the land with two hundred and fifty-two ships of men of arms, which arrived and came in that same land, and walked through France unto Romania, going and coming by the space of forty years, and began about the year eight hundred and fiftyone.

    The Golden Legend, vol. 7 1230-1298 1900

  • September 30, 2011, by area fiftyone Good thing the A's job got filled already.

    The Seattle Times 2011

  • This debt amounts to four thousand one hundred and ninetyseven livres tournois, not including the sum of one thousand one hundred and fiftyone livres, which has been paid to Joseph Caron, François Marais de Tulipe, Joseph

    The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. XI Jared Sparks 1827


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